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sabato 8 marzo 2025

Exploring CLIL

Exploring CLIL

Università La Sapienza

March 10th 2025

Prof: Marina Morbiducci 

Lecturer: Esterina La Torre

Fatto con Padlet


Acronyms in CLIL

The Butterfly Alphabet


What can you see in these images?

  • "What do you think these shapes are?"

  • "Are they natural or man-made?"

  • "Where can we find letters or numbers like these?" 

  • "What do you notice about these pictures?"

  • "Do you think these patterns are real?"


key words — patterns, symmetry, discovery, perseverance

Comprehension Check: 
"Why did Sandved begin his search for letters in nature?"
"How long did it take him to find the full alphabet?"
"What personal qualities helped him succeed?"

Personal Answers
"If you could spend years searching for something in nature, what would it be? Why?"
"What natural discoveries have amazed you before?"

Exit Ticket:  write brief answers to
"What inspired you most about Sandved’s story?"
"How does his journey relate to patience and perseverance?"
"What new English words did you learn today?"


2. Create a poster on Canva with images illustrating the story

3. Create a podcast about the "ButterflyAlphabet"

4. Create butterflies with different types and shapes of leaves

5. Create a "Wall exhibition" showing the artworks


What is CLIL? CLIL is an educational approach in which a foreign language (not the students' native language) is used as a medium for teaching and learning non-linguistic content, integrating content and language.

When was the term CLIL first used? The term CLIL was first used in 1994 to refer to a variety of approaches, including immersion.

What are the "4 Cs" of CLIL? The 4 Cs of CLIL are: Content (progression in knowledge), Communication (use of language to learn and learn to use language), Cognition (development of thinking skills) and Culture (understanding of self and others).

How is language used in a CLIL context? In a CLIL context, language is used both for communication and learning, with content being the determining factor for the language needed.

What is one of the main benefits of CLIL for students? CLIL can accelerate learning, as students have a real need and desire to use the English language in meaningful contexts.

What does scaffolding mean in a CLIL context? Scaffolding refers to the structured support provided to students to help them understand and achieve learning objectives.

Why is collaboration between teachers important in CLIL? Close collaboration between teachers is important to ensure that content and language are integrated effectively and that students receive consistent support.

What is a lexical rather than grammatical approach? A lexical rather than grammatical approach means focusing on collocations, semi-fixed expressions, set phrases and subject-specific vocabulary, rather than traditional grammatical progression.

What focus is on thinking skills? In CLIL, there is a focus on thinking skills that link concept formation (abstract and concrete), comprehension and language.

What is authenticity in a CLIL context? Authenticity refers to the use of authentic materials and communication, i.e. materials that reflect real-life language use.

Glossary of Key Terms

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning): A teaching approach in which a foreign language is used as a medium to teach a school subject.

Scaffolding: The support provided to students to help them to successful approach the topic/ theme.

The 4 Cs: Content, Communication, Cognition, Culture; key elements of CLIL.

Authenticity: Use of materials and tasks that reflect real-life language use.

Lexical Approach: A method of teaching language that focuses on vocabulary and set expressions rather than isolated grammar.

Collocations: Combinations of words that frequently occur together.

Linguistic Competence: The ability to use language effectively to communicate.

Multidisciplinary: Involvement of different academic disciplines.

Interdisciplinary: Integration of different academic disciplines.

Grammatical Approach: The grammatical approach focuses on teaching grammatical rules.



sabato 21 marzo 2020

Easy English

Un corso di inglese introduttivo che ha lo scopo di far scoprire l'inglese o di rispolverare le proprie conoscenze. Parto dal presupposto che anche i principianti assoluti (quelli, cioè, che non hanno mai studiato inglese) sono da considerarsi  " falsi principianti" perchè senza saperlo hanno già una conoscenza dell'inglese che viene dall'uso di anglicismi radicati nell'italiano. A tal proposito vi invito ad un test che dimostra praticamente questa mia teoria. 

Partiamo con l'alfabeto!

Passiamo ai suoni della lingua e alla loro rappresentazione grafica

IPA- CARTA FONETICA          http://cambridgeenglishonline.com/Phonetics_Focus/




A song



Verbo essere ----Verb  TO BE 

Natural English

You're beautiful

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